e-conIBEE (e-content for Innovation in Built Environment & Engineering)



i) Guidelines for Extended Abstract Preparation

  1. The extended abstract is a mini paper organized the same way as a full paper (e.g. Introduction, Methods, Discussion..), but two to three pages in length. The extended abstracts must be relevant to the Conference Themes.
  2. Extended abstracts will be considered for eISBN/eISSN publication.
  3. Extended abstracts will be reviewed for technical content by the Editorial Committee and notification of acceptance will be sent by email to the authors within three weeks upon acceptance.
  4. Each extended abstract is limited to 3 pages maximum (paper size is A4: margin sizes as in the present file) including figures, tables, and references (figures and tables inserted into the text).

ii) Submission of Extended Abstract

  1. Please note that the deadline for submission of the Extended Abstracts is 31st August 2024.
  2. The extended abstract should be submitted in the format of a PDF document through
  3. Extended Abstract submitted in a PDF format must be named as “Extended Abstract_Full name_Institution Name_Sub theme” (i.e. Extended Abstract_Medinaa Abdol Afza_UiTM_B4).
  4. Click here for the Extended Abstract Template IConBEE2024
  5. Instruction to download the ‘template’: Go to File > Download > Microsoft Word (.docx)


i) Guideline for poster preparation

  1. Poster preparation must be summarizing the extended abstract.
  2. The poster must be one page ONLY.
  3. The poster must include the title of research, name(s), affiliations, and logo of affiliations (to be positioned at the left corner of the poster).
  4. The poster must include the UiTM logo (right corner of the poster).
  5. Must be in English.
  6. The file size may not exceed 1MB (JPEG, PNG, TIFF).
  7. Other guidelines for poster preparation are as follows:
Orientation: Portrait/landscape
Size: A1 (594mm x 841mm)
Colour and font: No restriction
Arrangement: A clear, simple, uncluttered arrangement is the most attractive and the easiest to read
Recommended font sizes: Title: 72 pt and aboveHeadings: 30 – 60 pt

Text: 18 – 24 pt

ii) Submission of Poster

  1. Please note that the deadline for submission of the poster is 31st August 2024.
  2. The Poster should be submitted together with an extended abstract through this link
  3. The poster must be named as “Poster_ Full name_Institution Name_Sub theme” (i.e. Poster_Medinaa Abdol Afza_UiTM_B4).

c) Judging Process

  1. The evaluation (poster and extended abstract) will be conducted online ONLY by an appointed panel of evaluators and NO PRESENTATION is required.
  2. The poster and extended abstract will be graded on the research quality, the significance of the study, the methodology adopted and findings, research contribution, and overall quality of the poster.
  3. The top 5 posters from each category (Post-graduate and Undergraduate) will be displayed during the conference day.